Our Offering

The All Mothers Grief Deck
Embracing joy and hope.
The All Mothers Grief Deck is a thoughtful prayer support resource that provides hope and a guided path through the pain and sorrow of child loss. Even though we grieve differently, the prayer deck is a guide that speaks to each grieving mother's heart.

What We Assume
About Grief
The Truth About Loss.
Grief Is Linear
Grief's path is never linear. By understanding how it weaves, deflects, and changes course, we can meet it with love and grace. This journey teaches us to live with peace amidst grief. The very unpredictability of grief confirms that each path is unique, a profound personal journey woven by each of us.
Memorium Is The Same
As Celebration
Memorium differs from Celebration, though both are ways to remember and honor our child. Each encompasses a separate perspective on how it is experienced. Memorium is commonly a more somber remembrance, whereas Celebration of our child’s life stems from Gratitude and fosters Joy.
Peace Is The Destination
Peace is not our destination; it is part of our path. Peace is integrated through our journey's Restoration, Cultivation, and Expansion. When the yearning for Peace is distinct, know that it is not hopeless. There is a destination for learning to live with Joy and Grief together until the Eventuality when we will be united again.
Support Only Comes
From Others
Support from others and God are important, but don't underestimate your inner strength. By showing up for yourself, you awaken your Inner Warrior. This warrior resides within, ready to guide and empower you on your journey. Trust that you have the resources, both internal and external, to walk this path, even when doubt clouds your vision.

Created by Kim Molzahn,
Founder of the Innergy Pathway Model.
Born from love and discovery during her own child-loss journey, Kim Molzahn created The Innergy Model. Recognizing the possibility of grief and joy existing together, she has risen and expanded throughout her own healing. Now, she shares this pathway as a helpful guide and tool for other grieving mothers seeking support. Kim welcomes all mothers of all faiths to the All Mothers Encouragement Network.

Share Your Journey
With Us
We encourage mothers who have started working with the Innergy Model, our Grief Deck, or the first available prayer to share their stories. By sharing your own story, you can help support other mothers in their journey. Please share when you are comfortable and ready to do so.

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